the topic on love

this topic has been in my thoughts lately because recently i realised that many ppl around me have parents that have split up or separated or have very strained relationship with one another.... my own parents included in the list.

i even accidentally stumbled to a song by Justin Lo that he wrote about how he's affected by his parents' divorce. he cried when he sang it. that kinda hit my button though. the song ends with a line that says, "marriage is not merely about a kiss..." then i met with a couple of ppl telling me their parents' separation...

it makes me wonder this - i'm sure when they were dating, they were all lovey-dovey, and that's why they happily got married and have a few kids... and then end up separated and strained..??
is this really how life will end?

why are there so many hurt relationships that hurt themselves and sometimes like mine, the children are the ones also affected in a lifetime of bruised confidence.

there was a time i told myself if this is love n marriage, then it's fine with me not to have it.

but but but...
i see ps steven n wife, ps tim n wife, mark kor n wife, michael n ju and other couples in church, they are happy, they love being married, they work things out, they are stil lovey-dovey at this age and they continue the romance..
this should be the way of life right...

it's no wonder bible says,
1Co 13:4 Love is kind and patient, never jealous, boastful, proud, or
1Co 13:5 rude. Love isn't selfish or quick tempered. It doesn't keep a record of wrongs that others do.
1Co 13:6 Love rejoices in the truth, but not in evil.
1Co 13:7 Love is always supportive, loyal, hopeful, and trusting.
1Co 13:8 Love never fails! ...

without the love of God, the obedience of the word, the change that the spirit bring, how can life work out to a happily ever after chapter...?
without the forgiveness of God, the setting free of the past, how can one move on from the past into a new life of freedom and hope....?
without God, where can one hope or hang on to most securely...?

maybe u'll say u can. but for me, i need God. i need God because i don't like the endings i see. i want to create the biblical ending to the topic of love - that's the wedding vow.

Lord, thank you for your love, your forgiveness, your word, your Spirit.
you give me hope to a life that's not bleak and painful. you set me free from the past hurts.
How can i ever keep from singing of your praise? You're the God!


Unknown said...

Well written sister... Kellie and I need to always remind ourself that we are not just parents, but first and foremost, husband and wife. That will give the kids more security that anything else

summerarctic said...

that's right yo!! hehe..... when i used to visit u guys at home, every time i carry ethan, i prophesy the word of God over him! =)

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