Christmas is Christ....mas

Do u why we can be so merry? that's bcos Christmas is Christ....mas. it starts with christ. it's about Him. that's something to rejoice about! =)

tis the season to celebrate, not just partying. it's a season i really learnt lots about God's love thru His acts and faitfhfulness in always bringing me thru the many incidents in life. many times, we search for God when we needed a float to gasp for breath when storm and waves aldy came. but my God is so good that He prep me what's coming and provided me a way out or the boat to sit in so that when the storm come, i'm safely assured bcos i can be confident of My God. Are u able to say that too??

taste n know that He is good....

like the flying hair? hehe.... great job, foong! the ribbons is a good idea!
i'm quite happy with this year's as the dance ministry had a small breakthru in trying out for this new way of speaking God. hehe.... well, next year we shall haf a greater breakthru. m toiling with the idea of doing another dance project next year about living life or maybe about choosing this God or something like that. we'll c what God is about to do thru us! =)