1812 - Yearly Event! =)

Birthdays! They come and go every year.
The sad thing about birthdays is not that it makes me feel older but that it reminds me again and again how little i've done every year.

S stacie o would say, 'there's gotta be more to life.'
What's the 'more' in my life? have i just been wasting my life away? it's been a question i've posted to myself many times. That's why, on my birthday, i gave each of my guest (mostly my girls) a stalk of rose.

they are like the rose, at the most beautiful stage of their life - carefree study time. if they do not bloom to their fullest, they r like a rose that's withered without blooming and time will not turn around and it will no longer be fresh flowers anymore.

i shared to them this vision that God gave me many years ago. hoping that they'ld get it and will begin to live loud, live life to the fullest! heheh...

neway, my bunch of roses withered the next day! how short it lived. if u r reading this, then, learn to make the most of life.... remember the roses....


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