today's devo thoughts

still reading 1 sam 18:12
Saul was afraid of David, because the LORD was with David but had left Saul...
14 In everything he did he had great success, because the LORD was with him. When Saul saw how successful he was, he was afriad of him. 16But all Israel and Judah loved David, because he led them in their campaigns.

That was my devo for this morning/afternoon. many times we read this, the focus is either the LORD is with David that's why David was successful and secondly was the part where Saul was jealous of David cos David was more successful than him.

i guess the thing that enlighten me today is the part about Saul being afraid of David.
mmm... Saul is being more and more of a idiot i think. he like bang head so many times also not realise or enlighten! he just didnt get the fact right - IT IS ALL ABOUT GOD!
Who is god to him? is David god?? NO!
He should be afraid of God! jorr!! aduh!!

if he would repent before god and follow God, God would have bless him again.
but instead, he continue to fear man. fear human.

that is sometimes our problem. we are afraid of the wrong thing and look for release in the wrong thing. if we are not careful, we would end up like Saul. Finding release in revenge - throwing spears at David. When all he needed to do is seek for his assurance, confidence, trust, success in God. The One that first anointed him to be king. Saul is looking at the wrong place.

Are we looking at the right place?

oh, and by the way, just because someone is more successful than me does not give me license to be jealous of them and definitely no license for me to hate them or can throw spear at them!


alcupacabra said...

Saul has a change of heart. Fear was on top of the throne of his heart. As a consequence, it blinds his direction towards God. Did you notice as the story goes, Saul was hunting David all the time but never had the chance to capture him? Why?! because God was with David. You see when fear controls your direction your are blinded to the things of God. So is the devil he is blind! When God was with David, the devil could not touch him! thats why Saul never finds him. Keep on sharing ;)

Yangy said...

A lot Davids these days, ha ha!

Matching Misfits said...

a lot sauls these day too... ahhaha