
the month of December is all celebrations for my schedule... here are some of them...

1. ok... this is not very much december but november as my pretty god-daughter is born...
Isabelle Lee Jia Yee! Ain't she most adorable? hehe... that's JuJu, the sister that very very very sayang me over the years... even during those years i was at my worst behaviors, she stuck with me. she's a treasure in my life journey.
2. this was on the first week of december (dec 2) - Kean Lin's wedding! at Sunway Lagoon Resort Hotel Grand Ballroom. There were like a hundred tables of so?? i met a lot of primates!! catch up here and there but also strange to see them after such a long time... but i miss the friendship. oh, and yah, everyone is telling me when they are getting married next year... ahhaha...
ok. one comment on the wedding couple - above all the lavishness of the ceremony and all the funny videos and all, one thing i felt i caught a glimpse of was this - that Kean Lin really
love his bride. that was what i really could see at the wedding and i was glad i went to celebrate with them! the love in the air was more evident to me than the food and the ceremony.
this is Karen, my long lost friend since primary school. she's now running a music school in klang.
3. second weekend in december - dec 7 - my dearest ex-housemate's wedding!! this time, it was at tropicana.
that's her husband, Alex and they are leaving to reside in Singapore so i wont be seeing her often anymore liow. though i don't know him at all but he seems like a nice guy - anyone that yan peng choose would most probably be a good guy! hehhee... here's to you - CONGRATULATIONS!
4. third week of december - dec 16 - this is my cousin's wedding. my mom's sister's eldest son. err.... sorry didnt get a shot with the couple because they were super busy as they were like the one that was running the wedding without a wedding coordinator. my job for the nite was to collect ang pau and count it! hehehe...
the first pic is my 3rd aunt - her son getting married.
second pic - my eldest aunt - i always remember her cos she took good care of me
third pic - the groom's younger brother - erm... what can i say about him - he's desperate for a wife - anyone interested? he's a good man, responsible, loves his family, always learn new things to improve his skill and have a steady income! i can set a date up if you'd like.
last pic - this is the best shot i can get with my phone of the couple - errr... the mc, thoug
h funny but my line was drawn when he took off his shirt, jumped onto the chair and started shaking all his fats... ewww.....
not last but the 4th week of december - Dec 18 - MY Birthday... which i graciously share it with my sister - Yean Ching! =)

not to brag but this birthday i received FOUR dresses as presents... among other things.. ahhaha... the one i was wearing in the picture was a present from YC herself. the one she was wearing, she bought for herself. the card she wrote made me cried... though no surprise, nothing special happened but this day let me know that "I AM BLESSED" and "I AM LOVED". There were many sms, presents and wishes and prayers for me. people called from the States, Indonesia, from across the south china sea and of course this side of town, celebrating my birthday with me. i'm not special but because i'm loved, you guys made me special. thank you. thank you. thank you. that's why i actually gave gifts to some of the ppl that had shared life with me. birthday is not just receiving but also about giving to those who'd loved us.

we celebrated in the office at 5pm. Although many remain quiet and did not say anything, but Pastor shared and thanked me for serving together - that short speech brought tears to my eyes. thank you pastor! you are indeed a BIG WORD in my life. the past six years of serving had been an honor and a chance i won't have missed. you're the best boss ever. and although i really wanna leave in 2009 but because you ask me to stay, i will seriously reconsider and put it to prayer n fasting before God - because i wanna honor you and i believe that God can open a great n effective door at any place wherever i am - whether in the industry or not!
my birthday end with a scrumptious meal from Doreen, dance practice, being painted thick ici on face, shooting my testimony, go home and work late! hahaha....

This year, for those people who actually asked me what i want, and i dare to tell them, i told them to invest into my dream by sponsoring me to one production next year. don't need to pay for the full concert ticket, just sponsor me some so that at least it's not so heavy. i love to go to see the concert productions - not all the time i learn something but this is the closest i can get to being exposed to the industry... =)

well, that's not the end of december yet! next week would be christmas day! i love christmas because it's a season of joy and remembering God's goodness! then after that would be the end of the year - a lot of wrap up lunches and dinners! what a fruitful december! how was yours??


Anonymous said...

i'm glad u had a meaningful birthday. happy belated wishes from me.=)

summerarctic said...

hehe... thanks! i remember you came to my 'party' last year. i shared the 'rose' illustration. i'm still using the earrings you gave me! thanks! =)