So You Think You Can Worship?

I AM SO EXCITED!!! about this new production we are doing!!!

It's gonna be called 'So, you think you can dance(strike off) worship?'

i know the name seems familiar but let me enlighten u!
this came about last year during a season when i was praying what does God wanna do or tell His people.
I was pondering on it for a while and then during one of the worship time at one of the SNL services, God dropped the whole vision into my head and i saw how He wanted to do it!

i quickly wrote it down and shared with the team but then at that time, it was not feasible to do it plus the preparation is a lot of work so i shelved the idea but last month, i was looking thru my tot book and saw this and felt that we need to be faithful with what God has given to us and need to do it!

so i submitted the idea to PC and she suggest that we do it during ParaDive Camp and then the church service!
Hence, we started the process of this production!! =)

This is the MESSAGE 2 u:

You can watch MTV channel 24/7, you can be able to do all the dance steps but it will not change your ‘mood’. But once you tune in to worship God and praise Him, your spiritual atmosphere will change. You will walk away LIFTED and able to see HOPE in your future.

i. Able to bring out the difference between world vs worship, self vs spirit in what we do.

ii. Creating a platform where the people will join us in proclaiming the words of ‘Still Standing’ and hopefully it will be something deposited in their heart that they can always call on God’s grace to continue still standing in whatever situation they are going through.

Questions to ponder:
* Do you listen to secular songs?
* Does it affect your mood? hear a sad song u become moody. hear a love song your desire to be love just surge thru unbearable limits.
*Does the songs give you a hope, a future or joy or even strength to go on or just leave you with many unreachable longings?
*Do you worship God? and i don't mean fast song or slow song... ahha
* Do you feel freer or joy upon you when or after you worship? singing 'i'm trading my..' i feel burden released after that. singing 'hosanna...' i feel like God is my savior i can do anything. singing 'how great is my god..' im reminded of the promises of God in my life and gives me a hope to dream to again....

The whole production is going to be in 2 parts (i think).. ahha...

Yesterday or day before, i was again praying for this production and listening to the song - i felt God says that His anointing is upon the Still Standing song and He'ld use it for His purpose.
I really felt the whole thing needs to come out right so that it is according the will of God.
I was telling Nai Lin that i'm leading this production in fear and trembling just like moses threading carefully on holy ground... it's like i want every bit of the detail to be what God wants it to be so that we will ALL not miss what God wants to do to thru us to the crowd!

i'm still praying for the perfect verse for the production. the message would be along the line of 'you can sing and dance all the songs u see on mtv channel but it won't change your life. but if u would just worship God - even just one song - it will renew your spirit, your strength, it will give you a hope and reason of joy'... something like that... will need to polish it more.. hahah..

After more2life+anf, who am i... here comes... 'so you think can worship?'
so, brace yourself for A NEW THING! A NEW WORK!