Dinner with PC's family

last sunday i went to pc's family dinner as her god-sister. she does this every year around christmas time. it's her way of family reunion with everyone. this year there was korean wrap meat, japanese sushi, and some really weird kerabu but really yummie. hahaha..
after dinner, i went to check out the kids playing this new board game that pc bought for pastor's boys as gift. joel read the whole manual and was teaching the rest how to play. it was really funny cos they were really confused.


Yangy said...

More and more weird games coming out nowadays. Looks interesting though.

Matching Misfits said...

it's a guys games lah. fight fight fight. battle battle battle. conquer conquer conquer. i got bored after 10mins.

Yangy said...

That's my favourite, for PC game version, hahahaha! I love strategy game coz i'm so brainy~ LOLOLOLOL XD