i dunno how i do it but i kinda slot dance into my crazy december schedule as well. and last nite we had full dress rehearsal !! haahahaha.... and they even surprised me with a cake celebration after that! thanks guys! =)
summer = "warm / hot", arctic = "frozen, very cold"
summerarctic = bringing the warm of God's love into the frozen coldness of the world; or thawing the frozen hearts of men with the love of God! ....just a personal thot.... =)
Why I Love my wife?
It’s been 4 months now since we got married. Wow.. 4 months. May not be a
big thing for many but it’s a big thing for me. But I’m not here to share
about m...
Hobi Memasak Rendah Karbohidrat
Di seluruh dunia orang-orang lebih memperhatikan tubuh mereka dan kesehatan
mereka daripada mungkin pada waktu lainnya dalam sejarah. Salah satu metode
Grace changes everything
“…There’s no sin too great There’s no pain too deep The cross declares it
is done There’s no shame too real That His love won’t heal Forever the
victory is...
Wierd, Fishy & Funny Day
Today was a funny & fishy day.
- Brought a dim sum dish of just 2 pieces of ‘shiu mai’ that costed RM2.
Aunty seller claimed it to be the ...
His hand is ever extending!
Just hours before my first paper today, and I was reading a book and
stumble across these verses:-
1 John1:9 (Amp) If we [freely] admit that we have si...
Starry Night.
I refused to get a ride from the mouse, knowing you would be there.
Rushing her into the car so I could stride swiftly, knowing you were there.
I noticed M...
Being loved....
Chinese New Year has slowly become a festive season that I dread in the
recent years because of all the questions that revolved around "When are
you gettin...
Getting very anti-social nowadays, I guess I just appreciates quality time
than hanging out in the midst of a noisy crowd. We all need our private
Drakensang Online CBT Begins Aug 12!
[image: 714x264-FBNEWS-DSO-CBT]
The epic new action RPG game is coming your way! Experience extraordinary
3D graphics and effects directly in your browse...
End of year reflections
I love the festive/reflective season for the space it affords me to slow
down, breathe, enjoy gratitude for the year gone past… and maybe write a
word or t...
January almost over
I thought we just entered in the new year. but in actual fact, first month
of the year is almost gone. Have you started your year yet? Kicking in your
A Relationship with God
Genesis 2:18-20
God said, "It's not good for the Man to be alone; I'll make him a helper, a
companion." So God formed from the dirt of the ground all th...
Looking forward for your dancing yoh~ for second time! (When was the first time? Forgot already) Gambateh~
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