At first, I've decided not to blog about the Bali trip since YC already posted up all the photos. I felt no point for repetition... But it's my long awaited break from all the pile up stress of event after event over the past few months, I felt I don't do my blog justice! hahahaha... so here goes... we start off! yeah! so happy to be breaking away for a few days! Here, we are walking to the Air Asia plane. As usual, the Air Asia flights are the ones at the end of the longest walkway!

We used this voucher system from Kel because apparently it's very worth it lah but then I feel for our setup, it was not so good as the unit we are staying in is a privately owned unit in the midst of the resort. Hence, we could use the pool and the spa but not the operator or the housekeeping services provided by the hotel. Worse is, I can't use the hotel wifi! sigh...

but it's a suite unit so plenty of space for us and even cooking facility which came in rather useful later... me and jocelyn stayed in the room and yean ching insisted to sleep at the sofa in the living hall to feed the mosquitoes! haahahah...

on the first night, upon arrival, we have no food to eat except at this gerai serving masakan padang.. which was not nice at all. I hardly ate anything because it looked really weird and they serve weird animal parts which I'm do not fancy.

I got this thing with drinking water. The last time I was in Bali, I drank the locally bottled water and got a sore throat instantly. So this time I'm more careful to not choose the cheapest water.

This is like little cabana spaces at the side of the pool for guests to sit and relax or read. We only pass it in the morning on our way out and pass by it at night after the pool is closed, on our way back to the room. hahaha...

we didn't want to visit a lot of the places because it's all idol worshipping practices. The two dances that are famous in Bali are both idol worship dances to call about their god so we decided not to skip visiting those as well. I think the driver/guide was quite baffled with us as we decided not to go the usual tourist route but of course we did not explain that those are all idolatry for us! hahahah... .

first stop, the silversmith! I guess we all didn't expect to buy anything. the first shop we went, the designs were gaudy and old-fashioned and so overly elaborated that we took a 5 min walk, came out took a group picture and left.

Then, we went to another silversmith, Prapen. We did not have any high hopes as we were quite put off with the first shop already. BUT.... I did. We were waiting for the staff to cut the chain shorter by one inch. cos I prefer shorter. The staffs like can't understand why I want to cut it shorter.

and this is the necklace i bought for myself. I also bought another longer more expensive chain necklace for dinner.

i also really like this earring but it's was over my budget so I asked the staffs whether can I just buy one instead of a pair? since I usually only wear one side. hahaha... he was like...??!!!!??

then, it's shopping time! yeah! we each bought some dresses. but there was not enough cash to buy the whole ubud so it was a lot of window shopping. see the colourful plates? I love the purple ones and the colorful ones in the middle but then it doesn't go well with my apartment setup. my mom is very chinese so I didn't buy any also.

we were choosing gifts for PC/Kel and Juliet/Michael. This door signposts were really colourful and cute and PC got the one crafted with the cat with long eye-lashes and Ju got the dragonfly in purple tones... Ching was writing down how much she owe me for it! hahahaha...

After Ubud, we wento a few other factory outlets. Ching wanted to get a bikini but was shy. I bought a pair of shorts, a pair of glowing pink nike shoes! Both I love!
Ching's new sundress and Jaws' new sundress but it think it's for her sister. She was just trying it out. But the dark blue dress is for herself! Doesn't she look good in it? We encouraged her to wear to the beach the next day!

One thing I was disappointed was I did not manage to do all the water activities. I have thought that I wanted to do the water sports and the banana boat but didn't manage to... =(

we had khong guan crackers with smasched egg! courtesy of Chef Jaws! She's clever lah! ahahha...
one of the photos that I think was brilliant!

fooling around...
DreamLand beach was really not much of a dream... it's shorter than the Nusa Dua beach, making it more crowded. and there's no water sports here.

Teh Sosro. Local sweet tea for Indonesians. We were just sitting there chilling while Jaws went to stand at the beach.... letting the waves crash in on her...

We then left to Jimbaran Beach. The whole stretch of beach is not occupied by resorts but by restauranteurs. They sell romantic seafood on the beach. I personally feel the concept is great IF the beach is cleaner! hahaha... the sea water was MURKY black. I don't think it helps with the appetites. But then again, most people will eat during candlelight dinner time so they won't be able to see how murky is the sea!
This is another brilliant shot that I super like!
On my left hand side, there sat a table of 8-10 pax of the model-like ang-mohs! All handsome and gorgeous! hahahaa... yc was like... cuci-mata there...
This is another brilliant shot that I super like!

This couple was strolling lovingly right to the front of our table and sat down for a beer, gazing out into the sea. mmmm... Ching can't resist the shot!
We came back and thought there's still time to jump into the pool! I didn't wanted to swim so I took their photos and hurried off to shower so that they can use the shower when they come back. But they came back soon after because the pool guards came back to tell them to come out because he just infused chemical to treat and clean the pool! haaha...

The hotel which we stayed.
We head straight to Kuta (the town near to the airport). I saved up some rupiahs to buy slippers! and I really bought slippers - like 5 pairs assorted colours!

We went to Discovery Mall for lunch at the restaurant that I went before. But this time the place didn't look as good though.

Our diver parked right in front of the sling shot game! oh wow!

The Sunday after we came back, me and Ching decided to go to Bumbu Bali just to eat Balinese food to our satisfaction!! Again, when it's just two of us, we usually end up over ordering but it was really good food! hahahah... i like!
Right at the airport, we saw the signage - Bali is my life. I think I've got to say that after two times there, I don't think it's my kind of life! Malaysia is not perfect but it is still home and familiarity. I can drive myself around without having to depend on annoying drivers! =)