God ask... i answered..."speechless"

i was counting my income and comparing it with my expenses... thinking to myself, how am i doing financially...

then I felt like the Holy Spirit came and look over my shoulders at what I'm writing and dropped me a question, "Sharon, what is it that you think I cannot provide for you?"

Before i open my mouth to say anything, God showed me a few things in the bible:
i. if it's about paying taxes, He can make the fish vomit coins to pay for it.
ii. if it's about not having enough to eat, He can multiply food more than enough to feed 4,000 or 5,000. He can make endless food buffets.
iii. if it's about having nothing to eat, He can make manna drop from sky, quail flying in for meat.
iv. if it's about getting back from what ppl took/owe/cheated from you, He can convict people like Matthew (tax collector) to return all that He'd cheated and four times!
v. if it's about having the 'desires of your heart' beyond the basic, He gave Solomon so much, made him the richest man ever - more than he's got enough places to spend those money.

the last but the best answer is this
(before i could even 'but...but..but...God...) He revealed...
if i'm still not convinced, He can make water turn into fish! He can make provision out of NOTHINGNESS! just like how He did when He told Peter to put the net into the other side of the boat. the fishes didn't come out of hiding but they were CREATED on the spot FOR PETER and the fishermen!

then, God asked me again, "Sharon, so now that i've reminded you on what I've proven I can do, tell me, what is it you think I cannot provide for you? Which expenses that you were fretting about?"
i answered - speechless. (I've nothing that I can say in answer to that question. my heart is convicted.
giving offering and tithe is not a chore or an 'expense' - it's an 'investment'.)

There were times we share like this - "give to God today and see if He will not bless you tomoro!"

but today,
God said to me, "Sharon, the test of faith was never about whether I can provide for you or not, the test of faith was whether you will give to me out of what you have even when you only SEE what you have."

Straightaway I went to YC's table, took an offering envelope and put in the money due to God.

My faith now is not in what I have or what I need or want, but in God to BELIEVE that HE CAN provide for me any way He chooses too - through fishes, quail, or even provision that DROP FROM THE SKY!

Better please HIM than please myself. I can't make money drop from sky but God can! hehehe....


Grey Room said...

thank you for sharing this...
that is just amazing, our pastor here shared about expectation..and there are times or perhaps most of the time we kinda limit God, we or I play is safe in a way..

so gosh reading this is indeed a great reminder that God is a creator.. out of nothing..
